You’re invited to my event to learn about:
How to Use Branding to Attract Customers!
Branding: Design, Life & Style one night only!
Wednesday, March 14, 7-9pm in Culver City, CA.
Learn tips, tools and techniques so that your branding, from design to wardrobe to lifestyle is consistent with the message that you intend to present to the world so that you never sell again by 3 Branding Experts.
Janet Gervers, Jagmedia | Branding Coach & Designer
Rachel Klewicki, Subliminal Style | Personal Style Consultant
Yvonne Larson, Optimal Life Playground | Life Branding Coach
You’ve heard of passive income and tonight we’re going to talk about passive marketing, which will help you attract customers without saying or doing a thing. Limited seating available in our Culver City location, so make sure to RSVP now.
Less than 10 Tickets Left!
Get Details and Reserve Your Spot Today!
PS – Event Attendees ONLY will Receive 2 Exclusive Special Offers from Jagmedia! (Hint: Branding)
This is for you if…
You’re struggling to grow your business and don’t have enough time on your hands to do it all.
Even if you DIY (do it yourself) results are mediocre or less than stellar.
If you want to focus on attracting clients and making money instead of trying to do it all yourself you’re in the right place!
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Entrepreneurs & Coaches are You Planning for 24K Magic?
There's much to do in the New Year! It's crucial to plan your complete online presence. I'm here to help give guidance with online components of your business from website, email list, seo, social media and branding image. Updated December 19, 2017. Branding- Don't...
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