When it comes to web hosting, most people get confused really easily, since  there’s so many different flavors of it and different products these days. That, along with companies that upsell things that you don’t need,  those that outsource to foreign countries and companies that are just plain unreliable and/or unresponsive.


That’s where I come  in, I’m Janet Gervers, Founder of Jagmedia and your web hosting guide. I have years of experience  with web hosting and know the right combination of website hosting ingredients based on your needs, without the extra fluff (no upsells)  or products that you don’t need. My website hosting shop is located in the link bar at the top of the page, where you can set up your own account and order products if you know what you need. Another option is setting up a call with me personally. I will find out what your needs are and I will set up the account for you and put all the items you need together.  I will set up things like your web hosting and connecting your domain name; that’s your www to your web hosting account.

For a Complimentary Consultation where we can discuss your web related needs, simply use the form below to schedule a call.

I will make sure that you have the critical elements that are needed with your website hosting setup  that matches your website platform in an optimal way, along with SSL which shows our website visitors that your site is secure;  otherwise your visitors may be directed away by the browser they’re using (there will be a warning that shows that your site isn’t secure).

In addition, my web hosting  boasts 24/7 technical support in the United States.  You have total access to your account and anytime you have a question you can call my  toll free number and get answers to your questions or even order additional products that you need over the phone with my technical support team members.

How can I offer this? I’m an Authorized Reseller of the biggest website hosting company in the world – that happens to be GoDaddy. I’ve used them as a customer for 15 years and as a Reseller I will guide my clients to the products that they need, set up their accounts and even give my own discounts. I have one for you too when you spend $100 or more you get 10% off your purchase.  There is a special promotional code which I’ll give to you at the bottom of this article, that you can use during the checkout process.

If you’re wondering what might cost $100 when it comes to web hosting, here’s a few ideas: while  web hosting is available on a month-by-month basis, buying it for a year is a better way to go, plus you’ll  also need an SSL certificate, in addition there is a service that will implement it for you since that is a more complicated thing to do and buying your domain name – that’s your www, for instance, www.jagmedia.net.net is my domain name.

There’s also business email; say you need 4 emails for your employees that are all with your domain name, that’s something that’s offered among many other products.

Go direct to my web hosting shop: https://shop.jagmedia.net/

10% off  when you spend $100
Promo Code: Jag10

If you would like a Complimentary Consultation to discuss your web hosting needs, fill in your details:

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